Interview with Alaina Walburn. Phone number 817-937-2119
Sophomore Mass Communications major at Texas State, Hispanic female, middle class, age 19.
1) Q: What effect has the economy had on you?
A: "Nothing on me personally but it has had to cut back."
2) Q: (if a student) Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
A: "No, but I did decide to become an RA to make things a little easier for my parents."
3) Q: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted?
A: " We [the family] don't go out much anymore. We don't drive unless absolutely necessary, or we carpool. We take our lunch to work, or school, rather than buying it, and we don't get the extra TV packages like HBO and those kinds of channels." (She says last comment laughing)
4) Q: What do you think should be done to help people out during these difficult financial times?
A: " We need a war, like WWII, to get the economy going. The government should be more concerned with finding people jobs rather than worrying about a new health care plan."