Quote 1: "I've had trouble finding a job."
Quote 2: "The job market in San Marcos is horrible."
Quote 3: "I haven't had a job for a year and a half now."
Question 2: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
Quote 1: "On student lans no, but on rent and other stuff, I've had to take out extra loans."
Question 3: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me how you've adjusted?
Quote 1: "Oh yeah! I eat out less, make a straight grocery budget, stuff like that"
Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial time?
Quote 1: "I have no idea"
Quote 2: "I can tell you last year when the government sent out checks, I spent it immediately"
Kyle Goins: White male, 20 years old, Undecided, just got a job at Zen's
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