Sunday, February 14, 2010

Story 2 Quotes

Interview with Chase Katz, a 24-year-old white male from Houston, Texas. He graduated Texas State in the fall of 2009 and is now working at the Kolaches shop on Sessom Dr.

Q: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?
A: Personally, I had none. I had help from my folks.

Q: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall?
A: No.

Q: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?
A: Health care would have been an excellent thing. I would much rather see my money go to that than to some guy on food stamps who can't get a job, quote on quote.

Story 2 Quotes

Interview with Alaina Walburn. Phone number 817-937-2119
Sophomore Mass Communications major at Texas State, Hispanic female, middle class, age 19.

1) Q: What effect has the economy had on you?

A: "Nothing on me personally but it has had to cut back."

2) Q: (if a student) Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

A: "No, but I did decide to become an RA to make things a little easier for my parents."

3) Q: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted?

A: " We [the family] don't go out much anymore. We don't drive unless absolutely necessary, or we carpool. We take our lunch to work, or school, rather than buying it, and we don't get the extra TV packages like HBO and those kinds of channels." (She says last comment laughing)

4) Q: What do you think should be done to help people out during these difficult financial times?

A: " We need a war, like WWII, to get the economy going. The government should be more concerned with finding people jobs rather than worrying about a new health care plan."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Story 2 Quotes

Katherine Lindsey of San Marcos, Texas: 17-years-old, black female, senior at San Marcos High School. Lindsey visited Texas State University campus while participating in a mentor program.

1. Q: Has the downturn in the U.S. economy had an effect on you?
A: "No, I'm still in high school."

2. Q: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
A: "No, I'm in high school."

3. Q: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted?
A: "Gas-wise, yes, I have made spending adjustments."

4. Q: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?
A: "Make gas a little cheaper."

Watch out for GSP and AP errors!

Good job posting your quotes so quickly! Be careful, though--I've seen some GSP and AP errors. Make sure you proofread your story before you turn it in on Monday.

Story 2: Diverse Sources Quotes

Samuel Hillhouse, white male, age 18-24, from Wheeler, TX, and a student at Texas State.

Q: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?

A: "Texas State isn't getting as much funding from the government, so there's talk of tuition going up."

Q: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

A: "No."

Q: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted.

A: "Yes, I don't eat out as much. I cook my own food."

Q: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?

A: "A larger stimulus package."

Story 2 Quotes

Interview with Chelsey Priesmeyer. 21 year-old white female. Junior at Texas State University. Middle-class. El Campo, TX.

Question 1: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you? Has it had an impact on you?

Response: "Me personally, no."

Question 2: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

Response: Priesmeyer's mom pays for her college through student loans. So, no.

Question 3: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me how you've adjusted?

Response: "I know my mom has cut my budget." Priesmeyer's allowance mainly goes toward food and gas. "Anything else, my mom says to get a job."

Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?

Response: "I'm not sure."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Story 2 Quotes

Graham Hillhouse: white male, part-time worker at an animal hospital and student, economics junior from Panhandle, Texas

Q1: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?
A1: "I have to listen to a lot of ignorant people talk about the economy like they know what they are talking about, especially since I'm an economic major."

Q2: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
A2: "My parents pay for college but I know it has been hard on them, because business is down."

Q3: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted.
A3: "I got a job so I'm spending more of my own money and less of my parents money."

Q4: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?
A4: "A larger stimulus package should be offered."

Story 2 Quotes

Geography College Student: Carly Surratt
Q: What effect has the downturn in th U.S. economy had on you?
A: "My employer has cut my hours so I can't make as much money."
Q: Have you adjusted your spending habits then? If so, how?
A: "Yes I have. I only buy things that I need now. I don't eat out as much anymore. "
Q: You said you don't eat out as much anymore. Are you a good cook then?
A: "No I'm not a good cook! But I try."

Carly Surratt, Anglo, 22, Female, Texas State University student, geography major- senior year, part-time bookstore sales associate

Diverse Sources

Melissa Neff of San Marcos. Local bookstore employee and Texas State student Age 18-25. Anglo female

Q1: What effect has the downturn in U.S. economy has on you."
A1: "I can't eat as much fast food."
Q2: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
A2: "No it has not, not since Obama has been around."
Q3:What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?
A3: "I think that richer people should be taxed more."
Q4: So how would you define rich?
(pauses and laughs)
A4: " umm like Donald Trump.... If you have over a million you should pay more."

Story 2 Quotes

Question 1: What effect has the downturn in the U.S economy had on you?
Quote 1: "I've had trouble finding a job."
Quote 2: "The job market in San Marcos is horrible."
Quote 3: "I haven't had a job for a year and a half now."
Question 2: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
Quote 1: "On student lans no, but on rent and other stuff, I've had to take out extra loans."
Question 3: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me how you've adjusted?
Quote 1: "Oh yeah! I eat out less, make a straight grocery budget, stuff like that"
Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial time?
Quote 1: "I have no idea"
Quote 2: "I can tell you last year when the government sent out checks, I spent it immediately"

Kyle Goins: White male, 20 years old, Undecided, just got a job at Zen's

Story 2

LAB STUDENT: Olivia Tapley.

Question 1: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?
Question 2: (if a student) Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
Question 3: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted.
Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?

Q1: "Definitely less spending."
Q2: "No."
Q3: "By using more coupons and going out less."
Q4: "Spread awareness to be able to get your voice heard." "I think voting is important, and educating yourself."

Samantha Cruz, Sophomore, Hispanic, Female, Unemployed, 18-25 age range, from Houston Texas, Student, Micro Biology major

Story 2 Quotes

Question 2. Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?

Q2: "It hasn't had much of an affect on me. My parents and scholarships are paying for school."

Kyle Johnson,, Anglo, Male, can't determine class, 18-25 age range, from College Station, Texas, Student

Story 2 Quotes

Question 1. What effect has the downtown in the U.S. economy had on you?
Q1: "I really haven't noticed anything different that has affected me, I come from a low income family so I was able to get a full ride to Texas State for my grades."

Question 2. Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
Q2: "If I had not gotten the scholarship it would be very tough."

Gilbert Garza,, Music Major, Hispanic, Male, 18-25, from San Antonio, full-time student

Story 2 Quotes :)

LAB STUDENT: Samantha Orts

Question: What do you think should be done to help people during thee difficult financial times?
Q1: "Obama should just write us all a check! He's the president, he should be making the U.S. a better place. Not a welfare check, but for specific needs like school, food, housing, etc."

-Esteban Garcia, 18-year-old freshman, hispanic, low income because he is not working, from Childress, TX

Story 2 quotes

Question 1: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?
Q1: "I don't like that benefits are being taken away from Social Security. Also, I don't think money is being put back into schools."

Q2: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
Q2: "No. I'll be out of school before we see the effects."

Q3: What have you personally had to change in response to the economy?
Q3: "Traveling expenses have become difficult and entertainment funds have pretty much been expunged."

Shaun Ringersma, 29, Foreign Language (Spanish) major, white male, student

Story 2

LAB STUDENT: Nicholas Medina, nm1152

Question 1: What effect has the downturn in the U.S. economy had on you?
Question 2: Has the economic recession had an effect on your ability to pay for college?
Question 3: Have you adjusted any spending habits since the economic downturn that began in the fall? If so, will you tell me about how you've adjusted.
Question 4: What do you think should be done to help people during these difficult financial times?

Q1:"Very little."
Q2: "No, I am going to school with loans so, I don't know it might effect my ability to pay my loans."
Q3: "Well I was poor before the downturn, and if you are poor already then it doesn't effect you"
Q4: "Not too sure. Lower the price of coffee!"

Brant Sankey:, Anglo, Male, Age 32, from Austin, Texas, Student, Junior Music major

Story 2

Student: Nick L NL1104
Q1 "Not as many gigs to play around town."
Q2 "Yes."
Q3 "I've started shopping at Wal-Mart."
Q4 "No idea, I'm just a musician."

Nick L. Anglo, Male, Low(below 25k) income, 18-25, lives in San Marcos, Texas, Student, junior music major.